Shane got to go away with Rich for 4 days of awesome mountain biking in Bend. They had a great time, biking over 50 miles. Then I drove up with the girls and got to go away alone with my sister in law Stacy for the first time EVER in the 20 years we have been friends. We stayed at an awesome hotel in Bend while our husbands and kids camped at Sparks Lake just outside of town. We had such a fantastic time not being mommies for 3 whole days.
Then Shane and I and the girls headed off to the amazing Lava area of McKenzie pass outside of Sisters. There was a free campground at Scott Lake that we stayed at and got to kayak and I got to ride HWY 242 3 times – 60 miles all together, the first two trips were to the west and it was awesome downhill, curves through the amazing landscape where I would have to slow to 15 mph because the curves were so sharp. Cars wouldnt pass me the whole first 12 downhill miles because my speed was the same as the cars. It was amazing. I got to do that twice. One day we set out on this crazy 6 mile hike. We have never done more than 4 miles with the girls but it was up to a lake so we figured it would take all day and we would just go slow. It was 3 miles all uphill – 800 feet of elevation gain. It took us 2 hours, which is amazing, considering Jill is 3 feet tall. Alli never complained, she is a true outdoorswoman. Jill had about 20 minutes of unhappiness and said she wanted to be swimming in Mimi and Poppy's pool – but so did I at that point!!! We were being eaten alive by huge mosquitos and it was hot and relentlessly uphill---but, Jill was a trouper and we made it to the beautiful lake.
We swam and napped and played in the dirt....then started the all downhill hike. After the first mile that was pretty steep, the girls wanted to RUN!!! So we jogged for another mile and a half. These girls amaze me!! I know we have “trained” them to like hiking, but I never would have imagined this, especially at only 7 and 4 years old. Then....that night, after we had already hiked 6 miles, Alli asked why we werent going to check out the shelter we had mentioned earlier. I said it was because it was a mile hike and we already did 6 miles.....and BOTH girls started saying, “but we want to see it, why cant we go, cant we go please?????” so we hopped in the car and hiked another mile to the shelter! So, 7 miles in one day, CRAZY!!!!
One of the most amazing things we saw on this trip was called the “Blue Pool” We hiked this after the waterfalls. It was a pretty strenuous hike over 2 miles there, but so worth it!!! We actually passed Shane on this hike, since he was biking this trail the other direction. The girls loved seeing him coming up the trail. He had been biking for about 2.5 hours.
We continued on our way and he went on his, we had plans to meet up in 2 hours at the Ranger Station and pick him up. We finally made it to the blue pool (the pics are amazing but do NOT do it justice at all!!!) and we could not find a way down to the pool. I had promised the girls the whole way that we would be able to swim in the pool, but then we got there and could not get down to the water.
I tried to form a sentence cuz Alli asked if it was cold but I couldnt even talk. My breath had been sucked away by the shock of this water. I crawled out and warmed on a rock like a lizard for a minute before I could talk!!! Alli wanted to go in and I told her no way could she jump, if she wanted to dip she could. 
You can see on her face her shock from the cold. Brave girl , though. Jill had no desire and probably would have froze on impact – that girl has no body fat at all! We hiked back to the car and were 30 minutes late picking up Shane but luckily he wasnt too worried about us. He started counting subaru outbacks and guessed we would be the 7th one to pass by. We were the 8th one!
It was our last night at Scott lake and the girls wanted one last kayak around the lake to the secret spot with all the tadpoles, so off we went. Little did we know that Shane had put his sunglasses (very expensive sunglasses) on the back of the boat and when we took off they dropped off in to the shallow water. Back we went to camp. Girls went to bed and we packed up all we could. I was going to ride the other direction on Hwy 242 toward Sisters in the morning. It was 22 miles, 7 miles up to the summit and then down to town. I left early on and Shane took care of the final clean up. He was giving me a one hour headstart. The ride to the summit was beautiful. This lava landscape is so amazing.
It was early enough that there were not a lot of cars on the road. One mile outside of Sisters Shane and the girls passed me in the car. I said I wanted to finish the ride so we met at Sisters Roasting Company for an awesome breakfast. Shane told me he had spent a bunch of time trying to find his glasses, but couldnt find them anywhere. So before we headed to Mount Hood we took out both tents, emptied the kayaks and some backpacks and then decided to load the car back up and head back to the lake for the POSSIBILITY that he left them at the secret tadpole spot. It was a 45 minute drive and so worth it since he found his glasses standing up in the shallow, dirty water!! Then off to Mount Hood we drove.
The absolute most amazing thing we did on this trip, was to hike behind a waterfall. I forget what the name of it was, but it was off HWY 35 outside of Mount Hood. The hike was peaceful and the waterfall was beautiful, but the book we had said if you were brave you could rock scramble behind the falls so of course we had to try that. I went first and it was so crazy with wind and the waterfall pelting water at me. The girls followed not too far behind, but once the crazy water onlaught came they were DONE!!!
So I hiked back behind it alone and it was SO AMAZING there was no way the girls were going to miss out on this. So I found another way over that was further up and not so directly hit by the water. The girls are good at rocks scrambling so we made it safely to the back of the waterfall and all four of us stood there in amazement at the power of this waterfall. It was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. It was indescribably beautiful and the pictures do it no justice at all!
One day we were heading into Hood River to do the Fruit Loop, a tour of all the amazing farms in Hood River. I wanted to ride my bike into the city and it was 30 miles so I left nice and early. Shane was going to give me an hour headstart and I told him I would let him know when he passed me if I wanted to ride the whole way or the first 12 miles were amazing and mostly downhill, not a lot of cars, and not any wind. But then, I dont know what I came up over, but there was a headwind like no other I have ever been in. Not only that, but the nice smooth road was getting repaved and for a 4 miles stretch the road was like a gravely MESS!!! I kept thinking, when Shane passes me I am SO getting in that car, this was CRAZY!!! But wouldnt you know, no subaru came to save my day. The road was awful, the wind was awful, there were tons of cars. UGH!! What was I doing!!! I had only gone 18 miles..i still had 12 left to go, yikes!! The wind was so crazy, I would be riding downhill going maybe 20 - 23 mph (normally without wind I can go about 28mph downhill) and a gust of wind would come up and I would slow down to like 13 mph and have to be working at it. Going downhill and having to work at it is insane!!! Needless to say, I made it all 30 miles to hood river and even then Shane didnt get there for another 15 minutes! WOW! I was tired.
We did the fruit loop, had amazing fruit and spent some time at the river watching the kite and wakeboarders (you can see the crazy wind in the pictures) and then before I almost passed out – I had eaten only fruit all day – we went to Full Sail Brewery and I ordered the hummus plate, chicken soup, pulled pork sandwich AND a HAMBURGER!!! I was still hungry. We ordered a brownie for dessert and the 4 of us ate it in less than 45 seconds. We were getting some nasty looks from a lady sitting at the table next to us. I can imagine how we looked – none of us had showered in 2 weeks, the girls were a dirty mess I was in bike clothes and scarfing down food like I had never eaten before!! Oh well, she has a story to tell about the crazy mountain family she had to eat next to.
It is so sad when it comes to an end. We went to bed on our last night and woke up at 1am to a RAVE somewhere in the Hood Mountain Canyon.....thump thump thump it went on all night......then into the morning. At 6am alli woke up and said “What is that noise?” We said, “Its music – go back to sleep - -” Shane and I had been up the whole night.....Quiet beach house here we come!!! HA HA!!!!
After Hood River we headed to Lincoln City to meet my parents and sister and her family. We stayed in a 3 story house with 5 bedrooms, a hot tub, an awesome park across the way and a 5 minute walk to the beach. We got to play frisbee and go on bike rides (just Shane and I). The adults would play games after the kids went to bed. We also went to the Oregon Aquarium. The kids played in the hot tub a lot and we went to the beach so they could dig in the sand – too cold to swim. We had great family dinners and lots of quality family time and then it was time to move on again.
After 3 days there it was time to head to Olympia, the end of our trip. We did lots of fun things while we were in Olympia. Shane and I got to ride from his parent's house to the downtown area (12 miles) and have an appetizer (alone!) and we went on a hike through the Tolmie State Park which is right by his parent's house, and we saw Stacy and her family a lot so the cousins go to play lots and lots. The family took us out to Westport for some crabbing (they caught 4 crab and Sue made some amazing crab dip!)
Then we were going to take them to the area of Ballard where we had gone, but the GPS was taking us to some prepaid toll bridge and we were in a car from Matt's work so we couldnt go over the bridge, but to turn around and go south on the highway for 19 miles to Ballard was going to take 55 minutes (Seattle traffic!!) so we ended up in Bellevue, which was AWESOME and we had some great happy hour food, followed by our favorite dessert of all time AFFOGATO – gelato and espresso....then back to olympia to relieve the grandparents of the 4 grandchildren....Our last day there we took the girls to a climbing gym.
Shane and I have been interested in climbing for a while, but there is nowhere to climb in Chico unless you are a student at Chico State. The girls climbed first for about an hour and they were amazing. The guy working there said he had never seen someone Jill's size climb so confidently. (They didnt even have shoes small enough to fit her!!) She is like a little monkey. She climbed up to the ceiling on her first try in about 3 minutes! Alli was amazing too. Both of them just kept coming down and saying, “Can we go again???” They climbed for an hour solid before they pooped out.
Shane and I went back later by ourselves and climbed the more advanced walls. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time. I have never used so many muscles in my life. Shane and I had a great time and did really good ourselves. After about 2.5 hours we were DONE!!! Home we went to put the girls to bed, watch olympics until midnight and get up at 5am to drive home....our vacation was OVER!!
Now we have been home for 2 weeks and Shane started work and the girls and I started homeschool (2nd grade and kindergarten) on the 13th. Everything is going great. Our fruit trees are amazing and the tomatoes are out of control!! I have made 90 oz of crushed tomatoes, 30 oz of tomato paste, 4 cups of spagetti sauce and 4 cups of pesto!! The fruit doesnt last long enough to make it into anything, we are happy enough to just eat it off the trees. But this heat is so bad for our chickens, we are lucky if we get 2 or 3 eggs a day!! I am ready for Fall I think!!
We are planning our next backpack for Labor Day weekend. YAY!!!
There are quite a few more cute pics here if you havent had enough!! Here is the link to all the Pictures:
And an exciting school event: Here is a video of what Jill learned in “school” today – How to ride a bike!!!
The first part is Jill at 8am on her tiny little bike learning how to ride....we had been practicing maybe 20 fades into Jill tonight with maybe another 20 minutes of practice....but now switched to the big bike that Alli JUST decided she was too big for in June...
Jill was crushing it like a pro. Shane wants to get her a mountain bike now:
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