Testing, Testing....does this thing work?

I am trying to figure out how I can post to my blog while we are in Canada this is my test using the text voice to text program  so I don't have to type on my cell.  below is my first attempt syntax will be terrible and there will probably be typos but it will be the best I can do. 

last night the as I put the girls to bed they asked if I was going to wake them up in the middle of the night so we could  drive to Olympia.  (The first 5 days of our trip will be at Shane's parents.)  when I said it would be at 4:30 they both cheered. they love getting woken up in the middle of the night to leave for a trip.
I went to bed at midnight, at 4 a.m. The alarm went off and Shane heard Alli already awake  apparently she had woken up at 330 too excited to go back to sleep.   we loaded up the car headed out at 4:50. now we are 7 miles  from Shane's parents
monday  june 16th at 12:45 we take the ferry from   port angeles washington to victoria on vancouver island in Canada with our bikes loaded with camping gear  to head off for 7 weeks. we hope to ride about a thousand miles I'll update you when I can.

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