If you want to follow our trip from Day 1 click here: You're Doing What?
I dont think I mentioned how terrible the mosquitos were at Camperland. There were none at the waterpark, a 3 minute walk, but at the campground there were millions. As we watched ET the night before you could see them swarming around everyone's heads and swatting at them the entire 2.5 hours!
The following morning was unlike anything I have ever experienced! We had to get up extra early for our 60 mile ride and above us, through the netting on the mesh, we could see hundreds of mosquitos just swarming around the tent, waiting for us to get out! we did as much packing up as we could just inside the safety of the mesh, but then we had to get out...
The girls went over to the playground where it was slightly more tolerable, but Shane and I just powered through with as much skin covered as possible, loaded the bikes and rode down to get the girls and start our day. Even though we had gotten an early start, there was a serious headwind or as Jill likes to say, "A wind in the head". Wouldnt you know it....the prevailing wind is supposed to go west to east and our entire ride east we had a headwind the whole way....now going back west....another headwind. At least there was not torrential rains!

Apparently, he had not received my email about us wanting a second chance until 11:45 the night before (15 minutes AFTER I had checked one last time). He could not believe he had missed a second chance to host us and he was doubly disappointed! He left me his phone number and said that if we were passing through Chilliwack he would love to at least come join us for coffee on our way out. After our bummer of a ride with the wind in the head (20mph gusts!) I immediately asked the lady working if I could use the phone to call him. He was very happy to hear from us and to learn that we really did NOT want to ride 60 miles that day.
He was totally willing to come pick us up and take us to his house in two trips, all the previous offers still stood, we could not have been happier! Especially after watching the wind howling outside, it felt wonderful to know that we had another down day. I told Keith that we would wander around downtown, find a library, have some lunch and be in touch with him in the afternoon. He was watching his grandson all morning so this worked perfect for him!
Shane took the girls to an awesome used bookshop (he finished the fifth Game of Thrones book and needed a new series) and then to a candy shop. I got to sit at the cafe and upload pics to the blog and scroll through facebook, and most important....listen to some decent music so I can get the miserable waterpark music out of my brain!
We also needed to find the local bike shop to see if
they could fix Shane's broken spoke. I had little hope for it, just because the places in Abbotsford said if was unlikely that ANY SHOP would have his replacement, but we had to try. It ended up being a shop PEDALSPORT I had contacted about getting a shuttle over one of the bridges (back when we were going to ride to Nelson) and the guy remembered us! There are not too many families out there bike touring so we are pretty memorable. A guy in the shop goes into the back, grabs a tire and says, "I knew I bought this spare tire for a reason - I have 4 straight spokes, exact size for you!" He fixed it right up, the owner gave the girls candy and wanted to let me use the computer as we waited....What a great shop.
With the bike fixed, we headed off to find lunch. Shane couldnt believe the difference it made in his bike. no more wobble and rubbing. YAY!!! We found a great little health food store/deli called The Yellow Deli, run by some families that live communally like our local GRUB families. We ate
high class like - set up on the asphalt in a parking lot...this is how we eat lunch on most days. I should probably be embarrassed about how dirty and stinky we are, but I absolutely love this vacation...I will be disappointed when I get home and can shower daily and wear different clothes. If we won the lotto I think we would travel non-stop. We are so happy out here, even if we are filthy and exhausted...this is the life for us!
Next, we were headed to the Vedder Crossroads area where I could get wifi and email Keith to let him know we would wait for him there, until it was convenient for him to pick us up. We were cycling down the main street when I hear a loud whistle. It is pretty common for us to get people cheering/clapping/whistling as we pass by so I look over and see a guy waving at us to come see him. Its Keith! He has borrowed a friend's truck so he can take us up to his house in one load, which is so amazing. We dismantle the bikes and gear and
climb into the truck. I think we were all euphoric to be moving but not having to work AT ALL!!! We all had grins on our faces from ear to ear. His daughter and grandson were at a local spray park so we headed that way to let the kids play before we headed up the mountain.
Finally, it was close to dinner, we went to a market to pick up some food and then drove up the hill. What a ride. I say this now, and it isnt really true....but we NEVER would have made it up this hill. We gained 1100 feet in 3 miles. What a joy to be in a truck!
My legs were singing a happy song to be moving along this huge mountain and not having to pedal. Once we made it to their beautiful home in the hills, the girls went off to play with the huge dog. Keith was amazed with how the girls played with the dog. His grandchildren are terrified and wont go near her.
Our girls were playing tug of war and getting trampled, and having a BLAST! Later, exhausted and having found a book stash, the girls mellowed out and made themselves at home. Everyone we stayed with has been amazed at how well spoken, polite and interactive the girls are with everyone. This trip has been such an
amazing experience for all of us, but I think the girls have benefited especially with all the interactions with other adults. I am impressed every day with how willing the girls are to interact with all these people they do not know, but are willing to share the fun details of our trips. What a treat to see them so excited about sharing with others what we are doing!
Keith wanted to ride out with us in the morning for a little while so after making a hearty breakfast and packing up we headed out. Now, even though we had gained 1100 feet on the drive up, there were some rolling hills. that meant on our way down we had some uphill first. It wasn't too bad, just 3 big uphills and then nothing but amazing, glorious, fantastic and fun downhill....this was the day I hit my top speed for the trip - 32 mph! The bike gets a little wobbly at that point, so I didnt go over that speed, but it was a joyride for sure. Plus, Jill in the back screaming YIPPEEEEEEE!!!! at the top of her lungs all the way down!
Keith is a cyclist after our own heart...at the bottom of the hill we stopped at WAVES Coffeeshop and had breakfast and chatted for over an hour! On a day where we need to cycle 50 miles it is somewhat silly to stop after 4 miles and take an hour break, but chatting with like minded people is always such a joy, Shane and I had a great time. The girls, too....they got hot chocolate...that makes for a FANTASTIC start to the day!
We followed along the Vedder River trail for a long time which was amazingly beautiful. Shane and Keith were behind Jill and I most of the time (Shane is nearly always behind - which seems odd, since he is of course stronger - but he has big fat mountain bike tires (lots of friction) and Alli who weighs more than Jill, but barely pedals!) Jill and I were just flying down this river trail enjoying the beauty and tranquility and peace. it is so wonderful to get off roads and highways whenever possible. Trails like this are such a treat.
We took a route after Vedder River that went past the Great Blue Heron Reserve. What a beautiful place. And bless these children we have! We had cycled 10 miles, had 40 more to go and they wanted to go on a hike! There is just no way to deny their love of the outdoors, so off we went. Keith stayed at the Visitor Center and made some phone calls. Him and his wife were leaving for a 5 week bike tour in Europe in only 5 days, so he had a lot of loose ends to tie up. We are fortunate that he took time out of his life to host us and go riding with us! Again, warm showers hosts are AWESOME!!!

Cyclist: What's your story? cycling with kids!!!
Shane: Gives a brief synopsis - like 45 seconds
Cyclist: Interrupts him and says, "I gotta have a selfie with you!!" Takes photo
Turns out this guy, Quinten, is awesome. He is a doctor in Chilliwack who was Keith's wife's mom's doctor or something crazy like that. This is nearly impossible for me to believe cuz this guy is AMAZING looking! Doesn't look a day over 32...but I guess he is 50! WOW!! He asked if he could eat lunch with us. If there is one thing we love about this trip it is the interactions with the amazing people we are meeting along the way. nothing better!
We finish our lunch and head off to the Macdonald Dark Sky Park which is where Keith is going to turn around to head back home. We say goodbye to him, he takes our first family photo since leaving in Port Angeles 17 days ago, we we all go our separate ways. Right away we see this sign for bears,
which always makes me nervous (but it shouldnt - we have seen 2 bears and both of them could not have cared less about us.) and we headed to Abbotsford. Our plan was to take the girls to the candy shop we had skipped on our way out (during one of the crazy rain storms) head to Lepp Farm which we also skipped on that day and then cross over to Highway 7 and head to Golden Ears Provincial Park.
The wind continued to be terrible. We were lucky to be back on the road that parallels the highway (totally flat!!)
so we did not have to worry about so much noise and traffic or hills to climb....and then we turn a corner and see a monstrous hill. Granted, it is all relative....to a cyclist on a bike alone with no gear, this is probably not a big deal, but for us we call these the "WALKERS" there is just no way to man power 160#'s up a hill like this. So when there is a sign for a bike route with an arrow pointed the other way my heart just SINGS!!!
After a pretty easy cycle we made it to Lepp Farm and feasted on random chips, salsa, cheese, crackers, ice cream.....then we rode a mile out of the way to the candy shop (again, the things we do for these girls because they are loving this "vacation" just as much as we are!!) It was 5pm, we were 20 - 25 miles
from Golden Ears and the rest of our trip was along highway 7 on the other side of the Mission Bridge. Shane and I looked at each other in a way that we both understood....let's NOT do that! We had loved Fort Langely and we knew there was a campground right by town. The ride would be just about the same distance and we would have access to grocery stores, coffee shops and chocolate stores. Golden Ears campground was 5 miles away from any stores and would be impossible for us to pack enough food for the 4 of us. The decision was made and we headed for the Matsqui River trail.
Little did we know that we were entering a twilight zone episode (or a Reader's Digest Story) pick your drama....do you remember there was a TINY section of trail that we rode through a were attacked by mosquitoes like CRAZY??? It was the same place where Shane broke his spoke. We were about to enter the land of a TRILLION KILLER MOSQUITOES!!!! and there was no way out. Once we were in it, there was no going back. We just had to keep going. It was actually one of the scariest experiences of this trip.
Not only were the mosquitoes terrible, but the trail was so hilly that we had to stop and push our bikes up these steep bark covered trails...and the bikes would slide all over and once the mosquitoes found us they went in for the kill, we would be covered and they would just land and sting... RELENTLESSLY! If we could get moving, we could lose them, but then a tenth of a mile down the trail we would have to get off and push again and they would find us and it would start all over. This lasted about 25 minutes and it was horrible. Jill was
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Jill with a "shooer" and a baggie for her face. |
I could not have been happier to get out to the road of mansions. I remember passing them on our 50 mile cycle in during the torrential rains and thinking we should just ask one of them if we could camp in their yard.
Now, I just wanted to get as far as possible from this area. What a terrible experience! We also knew we had some uphill in store PLUS we were going to cycle down that CRAZY road we had pushed up with the rivers coming down where the girls picked berries (TYPE 3 FUN post) I was looking forward to that A LOT!!! It had taken us 45 minutes to push up this hill....so I timed us going down, 45 SECONDS!!! Is that crazy or what???
It was getting late, but we were getting close. The girls were ready to give up, but we knew that once we got to Fort Langely, we would be able to stay for 2 nights and that is always a treat. We cycled into the campground at 9:05, having ridden 52 miles and spent 6 hours and 7 minutes on the bike.

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