I am feeling called to share this short story.  Those of you who know me and have read my blog in the past will be super amazed at how SHORT this post is going to be and - no pictures!  But I have learned that things are simple...we humans make things way too complicated.  

I am going to start with the moral of the story which is - what you give is what you get.  

Due to circumstances that are COMPLETELY my own fault, for the next 2 months, Shane and I are only getting 30% of our budgeted income.  I knew this was coming for the last two weeks and was planning accordingly.  I wasn't afraid or freaking out, I was simply preparing for how this was going to affect us in the present moment. If there is one thing that Shane and I have learned over the last year, it is that FEAR gets you no where!!!  Trust is the only power that brings you higher.

So, part of my preparing was to re-evaluate how we were going to be spending money this month and next month.  We had already planned to donate a large amount of money to someone who we love and support, and it (briefly) crossed my mind that maybe this wasn't the BEST time to be doing this. However, I know from experience that when we feel like we CANT give, that is exactly when we NEED to give.  I went to the bank and pulled out the money. Today, we gave her the money with the words - "This is a gift of unconditional love." No fear for if we should have kept the money for ourselves, nothing but pure happiness and gratitude at being able to lighten someone else's load.

Yesterday, I was with a different friend who was talking about some financial struggles she was having and in a heartbeat I offered to help cover the expense.  I was blown away because instead of being offended and/or defensive and saying "No, no....we are fine!" she started to cry and thank me profusely for caring so much.  My heart was filled with so much love and joy for how EASY it is to help another human being be seen and heard and valued. 

These two instances happened within 24 hours of each other.  My heart is so full of joy that our family can help others with no expectations of anything in return.  We never do anything with the thought of what we might get out of it.  What we do, we do with love.

But let me tell you what the side effect of these actions was.....not even 1 hour passes today after we give our gift of love to our cherished friend and I get a phone call that we will be receiving 4 TIMES the amount that we just gave away.  

You get what you give and then more.....TRUTH.

1 comment:

  1. YoU have passed the test for being a human being. It is all about karma. Love and forgiveness are what makes good people great people. Out of kindness to a friend you have reassured a friend in need that there are people out there who care.

    Uncle Dan and Aunt Adrienne
